Gooseneck Hitches - 2-5/16"
Gooseneck Hitches: How They Work -
Unlike regular ball hitches that extend from the back of the towing vehicle around the bumper, gooseneck hitches, and the closely-related fifth wheel hitches, are attached in the bed of a pickup truck. Gooseneck hitches use a hitch ball to lock into place; while fifth wheel hitches use a horseshoe shaped plate to accomplish the connection. Gooseneck hitches are popular because the types of trailers they pull are able to make tighter turns than are possible using a regular ball hitch that connects off the back of the towing vehicle. Gooseneck hitches are specifically meant for use with trailers that are often also referred to as “goosenecks” due to their long attachment bar or the general shape of the trailer or camper. These are often horse or livestock trailers, as well as, many brands or designs for campers and other multi-purpose trailers.
Need help? Check out the fit chart below to find your perfect match!
Blue Ox Invert-A-Ball Gooseneck Hitch Vehicle Fit Chart - Click Here
PopUp Towing PopUp Ball Hitch Vehicle Fit Chart - Click Here
At this time Dyers RV no longer sells any B&W Gooseneck hitch, 5th wheel hitch, or any hitch accessory. This is due to their “MVP” (Maximum Value Program) pricing policy that has been implemented on their authorized dealers. Here are the basics of the policy and we will provide more links down below so that you can read the MVP policy, and see the MVP price list in its entirety.
What is the new pricing policy?
-The MVP Pricing Policy establishes minimum resale prices (the price a consumer actually pays) for the Turnover Ball Gooseneck Hitch, the Companion 5th Wheel Hitch, and the B&W Tow & Stow Receiver Hitch.
How can MVP be violated?
-If you sell a product below the MVP pricing (the actual price a consumer pays for the product) you will violate the Policy.
What are examples of what I am not allowed to do?
-Examples of violations include any discount that would bring the net-realized price paid to below the MVP price – examples include offering 10% off the MVP price, a coupon to be used on a future purchase, instant or mail-in rebates, free gas card, etc...
We here at Dyers feel this is a practice that in our opinion only causes purchasing and pricing burdens at the consumer level. Dyers believes in free enterprise and letting the market dictate the pricing of a product. In the end you the consumer has the ultimate say in which companies you support with your purchase.
Please follow the links below to read B&W’s “MVP” pricing policy that has been established and unilaterally implemented on all authorized dealers:
B&W MVP Authorized Dealer Pricing Policy
B&W Authorized Dealer Pricing Policy Explanation
B&W MVP Price List
B&W MVP Policy FAQ’s
Dyers RV has over the years has formed fantastic partnerships with PullRite, Demco, Curt, Blue OX, Young's and many more. We support each and every product all of these great companies have to offer. We would ask that you at the very least take a look at the great features and benefits they all offer in their current hitch line-ups.