Pull-Rite Superglide Auto Sliding 5th Wheel Hitches

The Problem

The problem is turning sharp with a 5th wheel camper. If there isn't enough room between the truck cab and the camper they can collide causing significant damage to the both truck and the camper. If you have long bed truck, then you will have no issue. It's when you're using a short bed truck that you can issues. 

The Solution

If you have a short bed truck, choose a sliding 5th wheel hitch. A 5th wheel hitch is normally installed directly over the rear axle. This is why a 5th wheel tows so well, all the weight is directly over the axle and there is no leverage on the tow vehicle like there is on a bumper pull. The sliding 5th wheel hitch, can move back towards the rear of the truck allowing for more room between the cab and the nose cone of the camper. These work well as you should only be turning sharp at slow speeds, so when your driving down the highway the hitch position is optimal, but you can slide it back when trying to park in a tight camp ground to prevent damage.

Why choose a Pullrite SuperGlide?

The PullRite SuperGlide is engineered for perfection, automatically sliding back as you turn, protecting your truck and trailer from impact. You never have to think about it. IT JUST WORKS. A normal sliding hitch, you have to stop, get out of the truck, pull a lever on the hitch and slide it back. The key is you have to REMEMBER to do it as you start to turn sharp. With the SuperGlide, its automatic. You can focus on arguing with your spouse as you back up and you don't have to worry about giving the campground a show as you crush your cab with the camper. We at Dyers can't recommend the SuperGlide enough. It's worth every penny and the peace of mind. 

How does it work?

It is quite simple. Along with the hitch and rails if needed, you purchase what's called a capture plate. This plate clamps on to your 5th wheel camper pin box. The plate locks the pin box to the 5th wheel hitch. When you turn, the plate forces the hitch head to also turn, which causes it to slide back. The sharper you turn, the more it slides back. 

Multiple Install Options

Regardless of truck type, where its a normal short bed, or one of the super short bed trucks, we have a SuperGlide for you. It's available with industry standard rails, for an OEM puck system or PullRites own SuperGlide rails. 

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