Why ADCO olefine covers are a great choice storing your RV
- RV Storage
- Oct 29, 2023

ADCO uses olefin fibers, particularly solution-dyed polypropylene, in their RV covers. Olefin, especially polypropylene, is a popular choice for various textile applications, including outdoor products, due to its unique properties. Here's why olefin is a good choice for RV covers:
- Durability: Olefin fibers are strong and can resist wear, tear, and abrasion. This is essential for an RV cover, which must withstand various external factors such as wind and human handling.
- Moisture Resistance: Olefin fibers do not absorb water. This means that RV covers made from olefin will not become heavy when wet, and they dry quickly. It also helps prevent mold and mildew from forming.
- Resistance to Sunlight: Solution-dyed polypropylene, in particular, has excellent UV resistance. This means the color won't fade easily and the fiber won't degrade rapidly under prolonged sun exposure.
- Chemical Resistance: Olefin is resistant to many chemicals, including most common automotive chemicals. This ensures that the cover remains intact even if it comes in contact with substances that might be around an RV.
- Lightweight: Despite its strength and durability, olefin is lightweight. This makes RV covers made from olefin easy to handle, fold, and store.
- Mildew and Mold Resistance: Olefin's resistance to moisture also means it doesn't provide a suitable environment for mold and mildew growth.
- Cost-Effective: In comparison to some other fibers, olefin can be more cost-effective, providing a good balance between performance and price.
- Breathability: Olefin materials can be designed to be breathable, which is crucial for an RV cover. It prevents moisture from getting trapped under the cover, which might otherwise damage the RV's exterior.
- Colorfastness: The solution-dying process used in creating some olefin fabrics means the color is added to the polymer before it's extruded into fiber. This makes the colors more resistant to fading than if they were applied after weaving.
- Recyclability: Polypropylene, a type of olefin, can be recycled, which is an added benefit from an environmental standpoint.
In summary, olefin, particularly solution-dyed polypropylene, offers a combination of strength, durability, weather resistance, and cost-effectiveness that makes it a smart choice for products like RV covers.
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